Post Archive


Aquanomics water supply forum

Aquanomics water supply forum

Aquanomics was a forum to discuss the effects of global warming on the world’s supply of H2O, and its power to effect industries from technology and energy to agriculture. The main image chosen for this event represents the power and strength of water. Using this...

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Thomson Reuters Calgary Stampede event

Thomson Reuters Calgary Stampede event

Each year, Thomson Reuters invites select customers to a special event during the annual Calgary Stampede in Alberta, Canada. To ensure its success, we created a graphical theme that played up the fun, rawhide character of the Stampede—one of the world's premier rodeo...

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Grand Prix

Grand Prix

Cleveland Design has been responsible for designing the collateral for Thomson Reuters' AT&T Williams Formula ONE sponsorship for the past few years. For this thrilling event, we designed an invitation packet that is unique to each race location. Capitalizing on...

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