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Is “close enough” good enough?

Is “close enough” good enough?

Two words that you never want to hear come out of the mouths of your employees when representing your brand: “Close enough.” I’ve heard it—and seen it—countless times when working with individuals at companies that have, or should have, strict brand standards. While...

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Is there a bastard in your house?

Is there a bastard in your house?

The Urban Dictionary defines 'bastard' as: "something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin." I can't think of a better word to describe the recent product of an internal campaign for a large corporation. The team I was working with wanted to bastardize...

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Don’t check your brand at the door

Don’t check your brand at the door

Branding is often one of the few factors that can distinguish one product or service from another. Companies and organizations spend considerable resources to develop and nurture their brands, but in many cases, it's a face shown only to the outside world. What a...

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Owning the competition

Owning the competition

The Best of Brand Awards. The Community Champion Awards. The Finance Awards. The Award of Excellence. All these (and more) are now familiar names inside Thomson Reuters, thanks to Cleveland Design's spearheaded initiative to create a unified and sustainable online...

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